Saturday, June 29, 2013

Madison to Carter Notch - The longest 14 miles of the trail. After being spoiled by the Madison Hut Crew I hiked to the top of Madison Mountain. The view was amazing, but I could see the cairns down the mountain to Pinkham Notch and it looked like a long journey. It took my 6 hours to get to Pinkham Notch and I saw Mercury a SOBO on the porch. I crawled onto the dry bench looking to camp and stay there. Mercury was also un-motived to hike anywhere. I went inside in hopes of being told that the weather was so bad I should not hike anymore. The desk clerk was chipper and happy and looked at his co-worker and said yeah I hiked to Carter Hut last week in just 3 hours. After a meager lunch, I headed up the mountain for the long journey to a stealth campsite. I crawled up the mountain and slide down the other side to the Carter Hut, where there was no work for stay. But I did meet ShortBus and Stead Fast.
The Whites - The Appalachian Money Club manage the white mountains in NH and the weather. The journey from Crawfords Notch, NH to Gorham, NH was epic. It seems that the mountains area amazing and beautiful, but I would not know because the clouds, rain, and misty really made the view hard to see. The hut system of the whites provides a little bit of warmth food and love. Hiking up from Crawford Notch I ran up the cliffs to the Mizpah Hut and hoped to work for stay. The college students who managed the hut said it was too dangerous to hike to lake of the clouds, but when they found out I was thru-hiking, I was told I would have no problem making it to the next hut. The head cook let me stay, my work for stay consisted of drinking tequila in the dungeon and cleaning the freezer. I am not sure who benefited more.